Eliminate child labor and other illegal labor from the chocolate industry.
We keep Tony’s mission locked
3 independent mission guardians represent and safeguard Tony’s mission

regardless of shareholder structure or changes to the leadership team of the company.
We signed an unbreakable vow
we have a non-economic stake in the company and can hold Tony’s leadership team accountable through several public and judicial escalation levers should a mission drift occur.
Tony’s Mission Lock consists of 3 Mission Guardians with strong track records in social impact and sustainability spheres.

The structure is currently chaired by Seth Goldman, Founder of Honest Tea and Eat the Change, as well as Chair of Beyond Meat. Seth is a world-leading impact entrepreneur with extensive experience in growing mission-led companies with a range of public and private shareholder structures.

Lawyer turned broadcaster Ikenna Azuike is the second Mission Guardian. He brings a breadth of experience in social and climate activism, strategy and journalism, an understanding of West Africa’s socioeconomic context, as well as legal experience from his early career as a lawyer to the table.

Anne-Wil Dijkstra, Tony’s former Chief of Impact, Operations and People & Culture, rounds off the Mission Guardian trio and brings valuable insider knowledge of Tony’s impact model and hands-on experience implementing this model operationally to the team.
Get in touch
Do you want to raise a concern of a mission drift?
Any stakeholder can raise any major unresolved concerns directly with Mission Guardians via contact@tonysmissionlock.org. Tony’s stakeholders include employees, cocoa farmers, business partners, government, industry players and Choco Fans.